Youtube Video Ads Tutorial

How to Create Youtube Video Ads

Life on the Tropical Island Resort - All the stress was lifted from my shoulders
Life on the Tropical Island Resort – All the stress was lifted from my shoulders.

Here is a marketing secret that shows you ‘how to create Youtube video ads’

Leo Here 🙂 Business coach, investor, fundraiser, legacy builder and also known as Tutorman.

and what I am about to show you, allowed me to go from welfare to semi-retired, working just 1 hour a day on my business!

And that’s without having to follow a scamming guru marketer, or write a best selling book, and without having to make any phone calls!

My marketing secret, is this: Instead of direct messaging friends and relatives,

Instead of posting on social media every day, and Instead of paying for ads on Facebook every day,

I was able to take my business from zero to $10,000 a month, working just an hour a day, using this marketing secret…

So what is the marketing secret?

‘Nothing sells like telling your story’, and ‘Nothing sells like how you get and show your results’

here’s what I mean. It means that instead of ‘blowing your own horn’, by telling people about yourself and how good you are,

Instead, just show them what you can do,

Like for instance, what results can you show?

What live demonstration can you do, which shows prospects how to create Youtube video ads?

People love the truth… And no-one can dispute results!

That’s why nothing sells like results! Even better it gives you instant trust with your prospects at warp speed,

This is exactly what allows me to take any new online business from zero to $10,000 a month working just 1 hour every day!

There are thousands of marketers who are getting coached on how to create Youtube video ads and many are already doing this!

I generated revenue of more than $6 million dollars within 12 months working just an hour a day on my business…

How would you like to see how I made this happen? Well for the first time…,

I’ll take you behind the scenes of how I create Youtube video ads and build a business online from zero to $10,000 per month working just 1 hour each day!

Now, there’s nothing to buy, just watch it right now!

Now, the good news is: This works no matter what niche you are in!

And obviously this is me showing you my results in order to get you interested in my coaching!

But no matter what, I’m going to show you every step, so that you can do it yourself!

My class is available to you right now, no waiting!

There’s nothing to buy but pure content and answers for you…

And there nothing for sale either!


How to Create Youtube Video Ads Step by Step with Tutorman

Record the Youtube video advertisement message script with your mobile phone or with webcam recording software.

Step 1 – Record yourself using a smart phone or by webcam as you read the message script.

Press record.

Using a teleprompter, like a software that makes reading the script easy!

The text scrolls down the page automatically making it easy to read while still looking in the direction of the camera!

When using mobile phone only, there is also an app called ‘teleprompter’ in the app store that I personally use and recommend!

Step 2 – Upload the Video to Youtube;

Step 3 – Add On Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization);

This is stuff like a headline, a description, tags and links to your website!

Don’t forget the secret sauce that will help you rank page 1 of Youtube and Google!

And I’m now going to share with you the missing part of the puzzle…

OK, so you have the advertisement on Youtube, but how are you going to turn that into leads and sales Tutorman?

Great question… We need a sales funnel that’s ready to convert visitors with high quality content and high quality in-demand digital products!

That’s what we do!

To your success,

Helping people to help themselves and freeing the world!

P.s. 36,000 people can’t be wrong can they?