Prosperity Marketing System
What is Prosperity Marketing System?
Prosperity Marketing System is an all-in-one self-branding advanced customizable attraction marketing system!
The Prosperity Marketing System has the ability to advertise any business, product or service!
Use the system to earn bitcoin and generate a passive income from the monthly subscription, MSI services and downline leverage!
If you promote it, you can get 100% Commissions, yes 100%!
Commissions are paid in Bitcoin.
This is an opportunity to earn cryptocurrency and or the opportunity to promote your primary business!
Prosperity Marketing System Compensation Plan
- You Earn 100% Commissions on both levels;
- MSI’s (Multiple Streams of Income)
- You can earn commissions on the related business website traffic tools;
- There are 3 levels, Tour Taker, Student and Owner;
- Tour Taker is Free; Student is $12 per month; and Owner is $97 One Time Payment!
- Tour Taker can build a list;
- Student can view training, promote prosperity marketing system as an affiliate with 100% commissions;
- Owner can customize pages and add training content to the website!
- Affiliate Leverage: 2nd and 4th member commissions get passed up to your affiliate sponsor!
- There are many features in the system, please read the prosperity marketing system review below for more information!
Prosperity Marketing Step By Step with Tutorman
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You will learn:
How to Increase Website Traffic, Convert Prospects into Leads and Sales on Autopilot and Earn Bitcoin Income Passively!
Business Opportunity Entrepreneur, here’s a marketing secret you can use to get more leads, and sales on autopilot!
Business coach, investor, fundraiser, legacy builder and also known as Tutorman.
I’m here to serve you, give massive value in my capacity as a business coach and 7 figure digital marketer, and to complete a legacy!
Stay until the end of this video and receive a wonderful digital gift from me that is priceless!
Now, what I am about to show you, allowed me to go from welfare to semi-retired, working just 1 hour a day on my biz opp from anywhere!
And that’s without having to buy any more expensive digital products or “shiny flashy objects”;
And without having to manually spam people like crazy on social media all day long until getting banned;
And without having to ever deal with THAT scamming guru marketer ever, ever, again…
I was able to take my new business from zero to $10,000 a month, working just an hour a day, using this marketing secret?
So what is the marketing secret?
‘Nothing works better than showing people how you get results step by step’,
Instead of telling people about yourself and how good you are, Instead, just show them what you can do!
For Example:
I will show YOU how to increase YOUR website traffic and get leads and sales on autopilot!
Good or Good? It’s absolutely awesome!
This is exactly what allows me to take any new online business or opportunity from zero to $10,000 a month working just 1 hour every day!
I generated revenue of more than $6 million dollars within 12 months working just an hour a day on my business…
How would you like to see how I made this happen?
So let’s hop on over to my laptop and I’m going to show you the step by step method, so that you can do it yourself!
Step 1 – Sign Up to Viral Traffic Co-op
Step 2 – Sign Up to hitsConnect and Create a Tracking Link
Step 3 – Create a Campaign in hitsConnect
Step 4 – Go to your Primary Business and copy your Affiliate Link.
Step 5 – Paste your Affiliate link into your hitsConnect Campain URL to Track
Step 6 – Save the Campaign and Click ‘Confirm My Site’ Button.
Step 7 – Test Your Tracking Link goes to Your Preferred ‘Primary Business’ also known as a ‘downline builder’. My preferred primary business is the Prosperity Marketing System!
Step 8 – Buy a $25 Viral Traffic Co-Op Package.
Step 9 – Create a New Campaign in Viral Traffic CoOp and Paste the Tracking Link into the Website URL Box.
Step 10 – Change Status of Campaign to Active and Save!
When your campaign runs you will receive ~3-4000 impressions and get leads and sales on autopilot! Scroll down to the description and there will be link… or click the image below to get instant access!
Collect Your Free Bonuses at
Tutorman’s Bonuses
Bonus: 1. A Business Coach, Tutorman.
Bonus: 2. Tutorman Blueprint, a free step by step digital marketing training program;
Bonus: 3. Focus and your coach will help you to over come any technical or online challenge in real-time quickly and easily!
Cool or cool? It’s absolutely awesome!
Click the link below and enter your details into the form to get started…
See you inside the training area and I look forward to coaching you to start and grow the business of your dreams!!!
I’m Leo Hokkanen also known as Tutorman
Helping people to help themselves and freeing the world!
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Prosperity Marketing System Review
When you promote prosperity marketing system with any type of online advertising and or a viral traffic system, you can increase website traffic, convert prospects into leads and generate sales on autopilot and earn bitcoin income passively at the same time.
Multiple Streams of Income (MSI)
You can become an affiliate for free for all the tools we use such as traffic exchanges and viral traffic systems!
Inside Prosperity Marketing System we can add our affiliate links, and when we promote PMS, not only can we get 100% commissions on PMS services but we can also get MSI commissions on the tools!
Proven Success Formula
There are more than 10,000 members of Prosperity Marketing System and more recently the compensation plan had been changed and made more powerful, adding downline commission leverage!
In my opinion because of the improvements and changes to prosperity marketing system, we are just getting started and it is a ground floor opportunity!
There are 100s of testimonials and members seem happy to become owners and be able to customize their systems to promote their primary businesses.
Personally, I like to use Prosperity Marketing System as my primary Business, and I also promote the Viral Traffic tools (which are top quality) as my secondary business products and services!
Viral Traffic Co-op
Viral Traffic Co-op is one of the easiest and best ways to generate traffic to a website!
There are monthly subscription plans available to make sure you get regular monthly traffic to your website and business!
Here are some of the type’s of niches that do very well with our Viral Traffic Co-Op website traffic generation:
– Business Opportunities
– Internet Marketing / Affiliate Marketing / Network Marketing (MLM) / Sales & Marketing / Traffic Generation Informational Products or Resources
– Basically, anything “make money”, anything “Traffic Generation”, “list building”, or online business building related will work great!
Feel free to buy website traffic from Viral Traffic Co-op
Click here to visit us now and register for free
Viral Traffic Co-op is the best traffic in my opinion because it’s bought from traffic brokers and exchanges at low cost and sold on to us at very cheap prices! This is possible because it’s bought in bulk, and the buyer has been in the industry for more than 10 years and has great relationships with his traffic broker friends!
Prosperity Marketing System Scam
Is Prosperity Marketing System a Scam?
Prosperity Marketing System is an all-in-one self-branding advanced customizable attraction marketing system!
The Prosperity Marketing System has the ability to advertise any business, product or service!
Members can earn commissions as an affiliate and get paid in Bitcoin.
There is also the ability to get paid from pass up commissions from downline sponsored members 2 + 4, giving viral leverage and the ability to earn much more commissions, especially if those members are business builders or top affiliate marketers!
Prosperity Marketing System Payment
I get paid to promote Prosperity Marketing System and I receive 100% commissions less credit card fees, in Bitcoin.
Members purchase Student and Owner services on the website using Credit/Debit card or with cryptocurrencies, and this is made possible via integration with Coinbase!
7 Awesome Reasons Why I Love Prosperity Marketing System
- Company – Company Shrawk LLC has been running Prosperity Marketing System since 2014.
- Founder Darren Olander has been a digital marketer and list marketing expert since I believe 2009. He is a person with great responsibility, a proven history of success with his affiliate marketing and there are 100s of testimonials praising Prosperity Marketing System and Darren too! He loves to give massive value and great service to his customers. The company has a support ticketing system for all of the many of his products and services! When I used the system, I receive a prompt solution and answer to my request!
- Quality in Demand Products: Darren has created several lead generation and traffic programs that are all free to join and promote as affiliates! These products solve the biggest problems for any online business, traffic, websites, list building, digital products and he gives us a primary business to promote, and a method to promote and the tools to promote! Cool or cool? It’s absolutely awesome!
- A Great 1 minute explainer video explaining the system and a great 5 minute compensation plan video explaining the way we earn income!
- Low Cost Entry Point: I can get started in Prosperity Marketing System for free, and join as a student for only $12 per month for a top quality system!
- System Functions:
The Training Area: We can learn from our sponsors and you can learn from me, a 7 figure digital marketer! We can promote our primary business; we can create our own landing lead capture pages; we can customize our pages; we can create training pages and add our own content; we can add our affiliate links to get MSI, multiple streams of income; we can earn 100% commissions, and get our commissions out in Bitcoin quickly and easily! And many more features! - X-Factor: We get commissions passed up from downline our 2nd and 4th downline members, giving viral leverage and this is the X factor for our business!
Got Any Questions?
If you have any questions about my primary business Prosperity Marketing System,
Give me a call, or text me!
Thanks Leo.
Helping people to help themselves and freeing the world!
Prosperity Marketing System Subject Lines
- Exact system I use to get daily signups into my opportunity.
- Explode 16 of your very own downlines instantly…
- Build Your List First, Not Joe’s
- Your very own customized downline builder…
- How To Get New Sign-Ups Into Your Business
- Learn How To Generate Pre-Qualified Leads
- Generate Your Own Leads…
- Explode Your Network Marketing Business
- Best All In One System
- If you’ve got 20 minutes a day I will show you how to become a master networker
- Breaking Discovery: New Marketing System Solves Duplication Problem Forever
- Who Else Wants To Use The Most Proven Online System For Building Your Network Marketing Downline?
- Follow A PROVEN System To Gather Leads And Build Your List!
- I’m Convinced Anyone Can Copy What I’m Doing To Build Your Downline Fast, No Matter What Business(es) You’re Trying To Build — Guaranteed
- Insane Income with Breakthrough Marketing System!
- Step By Step Mentoring on EXACTLY How To Create Thousands in RESIDUAL Income!
- F O U N D ! The perfect system to effectively promote your business.
- Are You Getting Hits Or Signups? Discover Our Secret!
- Learn How To Put Names Into Your Downline That Multiply By Themselves!
- New Website And Concept Is Exploding The Networking Industry
- Income Is Being Built Quicker Than Ever With This Sponsoring System
- Learn To Recruit Members Into Any Business Of Your Choice While You Sleep
- The Secret To Online Wealth Is…
- Are You At Your Full Potential?
- The Perfect System Finally Discovered By Mad Networkers…
- Who Else Would Like To Build A List Like Santa Clause?
- These Network Marketing Newbies Are Now Getting Filthy Rich
- How A 5 Year Failing Marketer Instantly Becomes A Success
- Thousands Now Earn Substantial Online Income Who Never Thought They Could
- Wanted – Your Services As A Highly Paid Network Marketer
- Wanted – Stay at Home Mom or Dads
- Build A Business You Can Be Proud Of
- Give Me A Few Minutes And Learn How To Get Educated and Laser Targeted Visitors Eyeballing Your Site!
- Announcing a new way to build a business!
- A Dirty Little Secret Gurus Don’t Want You To Know That Creates Mega Wealth Online